Alright, well the time has come to post the events of the past month. Don't want to forget those things that happened that continue to help me grow and make me who I am. Plus all the good music I find myself listening to these days...
Playlist of February 2011
Be Yourself - By Audioslave
Fray - By Staind
Cold One Comin On' - By Montgomery Gentry
Cumbersome - By Collective Soul
Quicksand - By Bethany Joy Galeotti
Moving On - By Rascal Flatts
In the Ayer - By Flo Rida f. Will I Am
Son's Gonna Rise - By Citizen Cope
Shows of February 2011
Gilmore Girls
One Tree Hill
The Cosby Show
Movies of February 2011
The Losers
Date Night
The Expendables
Conspiracy Theory
Demolition Man
Accomplishments of February 2011
Set a goal of reading at least 2 books a month...
Getting good grades so far...
Keeping up with daily tasks...
Still continuing my move...
Moved on and passed things and people...
Obtained better control of my temper...
Grievances of February 2011
Birthdays of February 2011
Goals/Plans for March 2011
Celebrate my own birthday (24)
Remember the loss of a loved one loved ones
Continue getting good grades
Read whenever I can
Keep working so I can fix my car by summer
Don't sweat the small stuff
Photo Memories from February 2011
The card I made for Max when I was bored at the store and was given Sharpies... |
My "half" of the money that Max won in Vegas when I told him to bet on Black 13 for me... |
After having washed my hand three times from helping my dad snake the drainage pipes... |
Amazing Lava Flow... |
My "house" with almost everything moved out; The infamous hole from where I threw Jonny at the wall; and
Chelsea's part of the wall where she wrote down all of her favorite sayings...
My Uncle Larry. May you Rest In Peace... |
"Winter is natures way of saying...
..."up yours" " -Robert Byrne
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